There is a common understanding among people that any form of “pride” that manifests itself through a person is unattractive. Pride is a type of characteristic that is frowned upon in our society. Especially in religious circles, where it is common knowledge that denying oneself is the only path to righteousness or enlightenment, pride is something to be avoided at all times. Some Christians are taught that if one sees a form of “pride” developing in a brother it is one’s “duty” to stop it in it’s tracks, as if it were paying him a favour, or “helping him not to stumble.” Could it be that pride was a gift from God that has been misunderstood and abused by people, like sex; through which it’s true meaning has been distorted?
In order to really understand whether this is the case or not we must first identify the true meaning of the word “pride.” Here is the English Dictionary’s explanation of the word:
Pride – noun: feeling of self-worth or esteem; excessive self-esteem; a sense of one’s own importance etc.
It is a necessity for human survival to have a sense of self-worth. In the lowest stages of a man’s life it is the sense of self-worth that keeps him persevering. I know that my self-esteem is a product of the love that I have received, and still receive, from God, family, and friends. Without their love and support I would have much less confidence in myself, and the complete absence of self-esteem, I believe, can ultimately result in suicide.
Nathaniel Branden, a teacher/writer of objectivist ethics and philosophies, has made a great point on how we misunderstand what true pride is (in this particular case it is referred to as ‘intellectual pride’). Here is a passage taken from one of his objectivist essays, Mental Health versus Mysticism:
“Intellectual pride is not – as the mystics preposterously imply it to be – a pretence at omniscience or infallibility. On the contrary, precisely because man must struggle for knowledge, precisely because the pursuit of knowledge requires effort, the men who assume this responsibility properly feel pride.
Sometimes, colloquially, pride is taken to mean a pretence at accomplishments one has in fact not achieved. But the braggart, the boaster, the man who affects virtues he does not possess, is not proud; he has merely chosen the most humiliating way to reveal his humility.
Pride is one’s response to ones power to achieve values, the pleasure one takes in one’s own efficacy. And it is this that mystics hold as evil.” (The Virtue of Selfishness – Ayn Rand, pg 44)
Branden states that real pride is the ultimate reward one receives from one’s achievements. This can be achieved by any form of productive work from completing an essay to cleaning the house. The kind of “pride” that is seen as unattractive is the dishonest pride that is not earned, and this is often born out of insecurity and low self-esteem, quite the opposite to the true meaning of pride.
Christians see pride as a threat to the compassionate heart, one that encourages self-ambition and gives little room for the consideration of others that maybe less fortunate. As an essential part of Christian value is to give to the poor and feed the hungry, it is believed that one must think of his/her own needs as a secondary priority. Albert Schweitzer, a man responsible for starting one of the first hospitals in the Congo, once said, “The only really happy people are those who have learned how to serve.” This value of serving others as being the key to a life of fulfilment and happiness is becoming a popular understanding even outside religious circles today, and it stems from the acts and teachings of Jesus.
Well then does pride have a place in the life of true happiness? Is the feeling of self-worth and achievement a selfish indulgence that should be completely absent from a life of fulfilment? On the other hand, if there were no rewards given to us for our good works would we see any point in continuing? Nathaniel Branden states this time in his essay The Psychology of Pleasure, something of interest concerning these questions:
“One of the hallmarks of a man of self-esteem, who regards the universe as open to his effort, is the profound pleasure he experiences in the productive work of his mind; his enjoyment in life is fed by his unceasing concern to grow in knowledge and ability – to think, to achieve, to move forward, to meet new challenges and overcome them – to earn the pride of a constantly expanding efficacy.” (The Virtue of Selfishness – Ayn Rand, pg 73)
Here Branden points out the need of pride as a reward to one’s productive work. There is a necessity in human nature for a sense of appreciation, a reward that affirms the value of the productive work. If a painter’s painting is received and embraced as a good work of art would that give the painter an incentive to carry on painting? Or on the other hand if his painting is rejected and criticised severely what would his purpose be to carry on painting? Possibly the belief he has in his ability to paint better works? Or the pride he holds in himself as a unique artist who paints art for the sake of art? Either way it is the belief he has in himself, his ability and quality of his product that keeps him on the task. Man produces great things once he has acquired an understanding of his own self-worth.
From the Christian point of view, it is the understanding that God loves us, cares for us, and wants the best for us that gives us the purpose to live. The pride that we have in our selves as the Children of God gives us self-esteem. And the understanding of our importance to God that gives us our self-assurance. Our lives are based on the relationship that we have with God; therefore our lives are shaped by doing the things that please Him. If we did not hold pride in this relationship, if we were ashamed of it, we will not be bothered to build it. We could not call ourselves believers, and definitely not followers, of God.
The truth is pride is something that every person with self-esteem possesses and needs. To correct one’s prideful character is to damage one’s self-esteem. Too often we have mistaken humility with self-deprecation, and too often we have misjudged insecurity for pride. As Christians we have to be careful that we don’t become legalistic altruists. As Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39) we ought to learn to love ourselves first in order to really know how to love others. The pride that we take in ourselves as truly valuable beings of God will enable us to learn to see others in that way also.
© 2007 A. S. Tate