Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nasty Critique of Emergent/Post-Modern Theology

HT to Sam Harvey for the link to this page.

Is it just me or is the "Church Denominations War" getting uglier everyday? It's about time we realised that it is the work of the devil. By keeping the Christians at each other’s necks we forget the things of vital importance, such as: being Christ's witness (from this word comes all the things that are of utmost importance: love, mercy, compassion, liberation/freedom, justice etc).

Don't get roped in on this war (especially to you bloggers out there. We are the most vulnerable ones to this kind of cynicism). It will keep you from being who you are supposed to be as a Christian. And it will suck you in if you don’t make a conscious decision to not get involved.

“Keep out of foolish arguments with those who boast of their “knowledge” and thus prove their lack of it. Some of these people have missed the most important thing in life – they don’t know God.” 1 Timothy 6:20,21

I have to admit though that actually I find it to be quite funny... I see the humor in such things.


masOK said...

Hey, just stumbled on your blog but I really like the stuff your coming up with! Thanks for putting stuff out there :)


the kyle said...

Thanks man. I'm glad you enjoy it.