Friday, August 17, 2007

Returning to My First Love

This is a term that many Christians use when referring to the gaining back of the enthusiasm and excitement that they once felt towards following Jesus. What happens when someone "returns to their first love", speaking from my own experience, is that their theological complexes about the Bible and Christianity fade, becoming of secondary importance, and one becomes primarily focussed on pursuing a relationship with Christ rather than knowing about Him.

This is one thing that I have felt is happening to myself lately. It is a truly great and uplifting feeling. Of course there is still an element of anxiety of screwing things up between God and me but I believe that is something that is a natural part of any relationship that is precious to one self.

I would have once said that my faith is rather deep and complicated, with many twists and tangles. But it is interesting how I always come back to this comforting conclusion - I was never meant to understand God but to know Him personally. Just because I have become content with the fact that I will never understand God does not mean that I have stopped searching. I simply shifted my mode of what I am searching for. When one is building a relationship with another person the purpose is not to try and find out as much as possible about that person but to learn what pleases that person, what the person enjoys, and what makes that person feel loved etc. Knowing how many high grades one got in high school or learning of one's drinking habits is simply studying one's profile and does not indicate whatsoever how close you are to that person.

This goes along the lines of what Jesus said in Matthew 7:22,23: "Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; "depart from Me, those working lawlessness!"". This verse used to scare me cause I wasn't sure what position I was in with regards to having a relationship with Christ. The first thing to remember is, I guess, that we are only saved by the grace of God and to never take our relationship with Christ for granted.

Let the Word of God inspire you.

"O love Jehovah, all you saints of His; Jehovah preserves the faithful, and abundantly repays the proud doer. Be strong, and He will make your heart stronger, all you who hope in Jehovah." Psalm 31:23,24

Everyday I am realising more and more that blessed are those who have a simple, child-like faith in Jesus Christ.


Sam said...

Mate, awesome. That was a very encouraging inspiring read. Shot

Debs said...

"When one is building a relationship with another person the purpose is not to try and find out as much as possible about that person but to learn what pleases that person, what the person enjoys, and what makes that person feel loved etc. Knowing how many high grades one got in high school or learning of one's drinking habits is simply studying one's profile and does not indicate whatsoever how close you are to that person."

Very very true Andy. Very true. Such a simple concept but a huge one once you fully come to grips with it. And you know what, its actually a relief to read that and know it. Thanks. Love ya.