Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ryan Adams Live at the Bruce Mason Centre

The boys (Brook, Joel and Kieran) and I went on a very exciting road trip to see none other than Ryan Adams himself play with his band The Cardinals in Auckland last night (15th)!!! Matt was originally gonna come with us but he couldn't because he has glandular fever (please send your prayers to him for healing). All us boys who did go would definitely agree that It was the best show we had seen in a very long time. Joel and Kieran said that it was far better than Bob Dylan! I must say the show was musically orgasmic. Ryan's voice sounds even better live than on the CD, and that is after many recent, I'm sure exhausting, shows in Australia. That says something about the guy, surely. The live performance determines how good a band is in my opinion. He played a huge set that went for over 2 hrs! It was a very very decent show. The band was so tight. They didn't actually play that many songs but Jammed for a while on each song which was an amazing ride. The vocal harmonies were to die for, the solos were so tasty, the lap guitarist was pimpin it with his white Elton John suit jacket (I would say that he was in his late 50s)! He was awesome! We were all so excited simply about the fact that we were going to see the man himself with our naked eyes, Joel commented that he would've been happy even if Ryan had just played one song, it was that good! He started with Good Night Rose, which is the opening track to his new album Easy Tiger. It was truly amazing. I hadn't heard the album yet and I had been getting mixed comments about it from people but when I heard that song live it fully convinced me that the album is a must have. Ryan Adams is definitely one of the best songwriters in the world. If you haven't heard his stuff yet I strongly recommend that you check him out. He is Rock n' Roll, he's badass Country, he's Ryan Adams. He is the man.

Here's a live clip of his song Come Pick Me Up off his first solo album Heart Breaker, which he released after his band "Whiskeytown" broke up. Check it out. It's a good tune. Catherine Popper (Hot) is still in the band here by the looks of it. I was slightly disappointed to find out that she had left The Cardinals before their Australasian tour...


Debs said...

Hey man love the new photo. Makes you look like a gangster rapper type person...DJ Tatester...the Tate Machine...etc etc

the kyle said...

Thanks Debs. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I needed a break though cos otherwise I would've written right trash.

I've been socializing instead.