Friday, April 9, 2010

Hello again...

To those who have been reading my blogs: thanks for the feedback and I hope it has been at least some food for thought.

I have been on a huge (2-3 years) break from writing anything on this blog. However, I have decided to start putting some posts up again, even if it's just once or twice a month. I figured it will keep my mind occupied with worthwhile things to think about.

It's funny. I actually discovered that since I've had a break from writing posts on this blog I have been shying away from anything dense in terms of literature or philosophy in general. I needed to tone it down for a while and it's been good in many ways. Simplicity is key they say.

I have read a number of very life changing books recently and they all have been biographies (the most recent being the story of Brian "Head" Welch - the former guitarist of the band Korn).

The other two life changing bios I have read recently have been The Heavenly Man and Taming the Tiger.

I would recommend these books to anyone who needs some new inspiration in their lives.

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